Plant a Memorial Tree
Create forests as natural and lasting memorials of our loved ones
The UTRCA is involved in four memorial forests across the watershed:
London with Logan and Evans Funeral Homes
St. Marys and Area with Andrew L. Hodges Funeral Home and the St. Marys Ministerial Association
Thamesford/Zorra Township with the Township of Zorra
Woodstock with the City of Woodstock and Brock and Visser Funeral Home Burial and Cremation Services
A dedication service is held each fall at the London, St. Marys, and Woodstock Memorial Forests.
Kindly note that the cost varies depending on where the tree is planted and the tree species:
For more information, please contact Robert Davies, Forestry and Restoration Supervisor, at (519) 451-2800 ext. 243 or
Choose a memorial forest:
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